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Be My Bride_BWWM Romance Page 10

  Daniel was pacing back and forth on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant, more nervous than he’d ever been before in his life. He’d spent the day combing the jewelry stores in Anchorage looking for the perfect ring for Amber, an engagement ring that would blow her away. Not because of the cost, that wouldn’t matter to her, but because of the thought that went into his choice. When he’d found the ring, he’d known immediately that it was the perfect one and bought a wedding band to match.

  When the car pulled up, he saw her sitting in the front seat and his heart began to pound in his chest, his palms got sweaty and his stomach was full of butterflies. He knew that he was being silly, it wasn’t like she’d say no, could say no, the marriage that had already been decided. But there seemed to be something momentous about the moment anyway, and he wanted to be sure that someday when they looked back on it, they’d smile and remember it fondly. After all, it would become part of their history.

  When Amber stepped out of the car, all his nerves disappeared and he knew that he was absolutely falling in love with her and that what he was about to say would set the tone for the rest of their lives together. Now that his confidence had returned, he crossed the parking lot in a few strides, took Amber’s hand in his, and led her under a tree. She looked at him curiously but let him lead her where he wanted to.

  Before he could lose his nerve, he pulled the little velvet box out of his pocket and opened it. “I guess this is the part where I’m supposed to ask you to marry me, but since my mother already did that for me, I won’t.”

  Amber was shocked, she hadn’t expected an engagement ring, after all they were supposed to get married in only a few days. The truth was she hadn’t even considered a ring, but looking down at the ring Daniel had picked out for her, she decided that she liked the idea.

  “Oh, Daniel it’s beautiful,” she said, loving the way the sunlight made the ring sparkle.

  “When I saw this opal, it made me think of the night we watched the Northern Lights,” he said, and Amber had to hold her breath for a second, afraid that she was going to cry.

  “It does remind me of the way the sky looked that night,” she said, carefully taking the ring from the velvet box and handing it to Daniel. “You put it on, isn’t that the way it’s supposed to be done?”

  Daniel slid the ring on her finger, pleased to find that it fit perfectly. “I bought wedding bands to match, one for you and one for me. I hope that’s okay,” he said, kissing the tip of each finger, then the ring.

  Amber was touched by his tenderness. “I think it’s wonderful,” she said, then threw her arms around him and kissed him.

  Chapter 10

  The engagement party was far more fun than Amber had expected, although the restaurant was a bit nicer than the one they’d eaten in the night before, it was still a casual and relaxed meal. Afterward, Daniel dropped her off at her room and kissed her until her knees were weak and wobbly.

  “I’d come in, but you and I both know that I’d never leave,” he said, stroking her face with his thumb.

  Amber wondered why it mattered but wasn’t brave enough to ask. “I’ll see you in the morning then,” she said, a bit disappointed.

  Amber’s disappointment only fueled his desire but he held himself in check. “Only a few more days and it won’t matter,” he said with a grin, then kissed her once more before shoving her into her room and going back to his.

  When he closed the door to his room, he leaned heavily against it, trying to get control of his desire. If he didn’t he wouldn’t make it through the night, and leaving Amber alone for the night was part of his plan, a difficult but necessary one. It was a good thing that the wedding was actually tomorrow instead of Monday, because he wouldn’t have been able to wait that long to have her naked in his arms again. Now that he’d had a small taste of the passion they shared, it was all he could think about when he was with her.

  But after tomorrow she’d be his for an entire year, more than enough time to convince her that they were meant to be together. A small part of him wished that he was brave enough to tell her how he felt, but he just couldn’t take the risk that the passion they’d shared the other night hadn’t meant as much to Amber as it had to him. For the first time in his life he was unsure of himself, his usual confidence had vanished in the face of what he was feeling for Amber.

  Amber looked around her confused, she’d understood that they were going to meet Daniel at the museum after lunch. When he’d told her after breakfast that he had some things to take care of, she’d assumed that it was something to do with the boat, but now she wasn’t so sure. She shot a questioning look at Amanda who was sitting next to her in the back seat, but she only shook her head and looked over to where Daniel was standing in front of the chapel.

  She got out of the car and walked over to Daniel who was grinning like he had a big secret. “Welcome to Wildwood Chapel,” he said, gesturing to the adorable little building behind him. “It’s been here since Anchorage was founded and it’s ours for the day.”

  Amber looked at the little building, the pieces beginning to come together. “Daniel, what have you done?” she asked, her heart pounding in her chest, first the engagement ring, now this chapel.

  “I just thought that a civil ceremony was a little too impersonal. No matter how we got here, we are getting married, I don’t see why it can’t be a pleasant experience,” he said, grinning hopefully at her.

  Amber didn’t know what to think, everything about this weekend was beginning to make this marriage seem more and more real and she wasn’t sure if that was good or not. Things had moved so fast and now Daniel wanted her to marry him in a real ceremony, If she did that there would be no going back. But she was still afraid that he was just caught up in the excitement of what they were doing, that he was so determined to hurt his mother, that she’d get hurt in the process.

  But she couldn’t tell him no, couldn’t stop the excitement he was feeling from filling her as well. “I think that’s a wonderful idea,” she said, then realized that she didn’t have a dress that would be right for a ceremony here. “But Daniel, I don’t have a dress.”

  Daniel smiled at her, then said, “Don’t worry, I’ve got that covered.” Then he led her around to the side of the building where they found a little door.

  When they walked through the door, Amber was sure that they’d entered another building. One side of the room looked like a beauty parlor and the other half looked like a dressing room in a department store. Through a door, she saw a kitchen and what looked like a little breakfast room. A woman stepped through the door to the kitchen, a smile on her face.

  “This must be Amber,” she said to Daniel.

  “Amber, I’d like you to meet Marissa Montgomery. I called her to come and give us a hand with the dress.” He was going to say more, but Amber interrupted him.

  “I know who she is,” Amber said, smiling at the woman in front of her. “Half the clothes in my closet are from her line.”

  Daniel gave Amber a quick kiss on the lips then said, “I’ll leave you two to it then, I’m sure Amanda and Laurel will be around soon.”

  Only a few hours later, Amber was standing in front of the mirror in a dress that looked like it had been made for her. Her hair was pulled up so that it cascaded down her back in shimmering waves, revealing her long neck and ample cleavage. She hadn’t been sure about the dress at first but seeing it now she knew that it was the right choice. Placing her hands on her stomach to try and still the butterflies there, she turned from the mirror and gave the three other women in the room a huge smile.

  “I look beautiful,” she said. “Thank you.”

  “You always look beautiful, but it’s your wedding day, today you should look especially beautiful,” Laurel said.

  Laurel’s words hit home and the reality of what she was about to do washed over her and she began to panic, her brain telling her that this was a mistake, a sure way to get her heart broken. Amanda, seeing th
e look on her face, rushed to her side and held her up when she would have fallen.

  “Hey, are you okay?” she asked, concerned, then understood. “You know that it’s not too late to change your mind, you don’t have to do this.”

  Amber looked at her, then took a deep breath. The idea of taking off the dress and telling Daniel she’d changed her mind gave her the strength she needed. “No, I said I’d do this and I’m going to,” she said stubbornly.

  “Okay, I just thought you were having second thoughts,” Amanda said.

  Amber sighed, it was time she told someone how she really felt, it was eating her up inside. “I’m not having second thoughts, I’m scared. I think I’m falling for Daniel,” she explained, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders now that she’d finally told someone how she felt.

  Amanda gave her a hug. “Well, it’s not the worst thing in the world that you care about the man you’re going to marry,” She said, wiping a tear from Amber’s eye.

  “It is if he doesn’t feel the same way,” Amber said.

  Laurel came over and adjusted her necklace, then took Amber’s hand and held it up so she could see the engagement ring. “Would a man who doesn’t care spend an entire day finding you the perfect ring? Would a man who doesn’t care have gone to all this trouble? And I can promise you this wasn’t easy to put together.”

  Amber smiled at her, her heart soaring. “I never thought about that. I mean, I thought maybe he was doing it all for show, you know, to make the lie seem real,” she admitted. But Daniel had gone to a lot of trouble.

  “Honey, no man would have thought of all of this just for show,” Amanda said. “Now, no more long faces, let’s go get you married.”

  When she walked through the doors of the church on Theo’s arm, the first thing she saw was Daniel standing at the altar. Dressed in a black suit with a ruffled shirt underneath, he looked more like a pirate than he had that first night at her house, and desire washed over her. She sucked in a deep breath to still the throbbing between her legs, then smiled up at Seth, more than ready to walk down the aisle and marry the man who had turned her world upside down.

  Daniel watched as Amber walked down the aisle, spellbound by how beautiful she looked. Marissa had certainly outdone herself, and it made him smile to see that Amber’s dress was a perfect match for the suit she’d chosen for him. Together they looked like they’d just stepped off a pirate ship and he indulged himself in a small fantasy as Amber walked towards him. But then she was standing in front of him, her smile tentative, as if she was afraid he’d suddenly change his mind. To reassure her, he took her hand and kissed the ring he’d placed there just the night before, then turned them to face the minister.

  Standing next to Daniel, Amber looked around the quaint little chapel, thinking that she couldn’t have chosen a better place herself. Built back in the days before windows were common, the only light that entered the little building came from the beautiful stained-glass windows high on the walls. Tall tapered candles had been lit and placed around the room, giving off a soft glow and a wonderful smell that was complimented by the flowers that covered every surface.

  It took only minutes for the minister to make them man and wife, but Amber would never forget it, nor the look in Daniel’s eyes when he said his vows. It was almost possible for her to believe that he meant them and she hoped that someday they would be true. When they turned to face the rows of happy faces, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room.

  Daniel led her out of the chapel and around the building to the little backyard where there were tables set up, covered in white linen with candles in the center. The simple yard had been transformed into a romantic oasis. Pleased, Amber reached up and kissed Daniel’s cheek.

  “This is more than I ever expected, it almost feels like a real wedding,” she said, charmed by the sight in front of her.

  “Well, if you think about it, it is a real wedding. We’re married now Amber,” he said, gauging her reaction.

  When all she did was grin up at him shyly, he pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Not the chaste kiss he’d given her after the ceremony, but one that left them both breathless and wishing that they didn’t have to stay for dinner after all. But then the rest of the party swept in behind them, enveloping them in well wishes and congratulations. When Amber saw the adorable table for two where they’d be seated, she couldn’t help but squeal a little, it was all so romantic and so much like what she would have planned herself.

  It was clear that Daniel had put a lot of thought into the night and her heart leapt to think that he’d done all this for her, for them. “Daniel this is wonderful. Just what I would have chosen myself,” She said, when he’d seated her.

  “I wanted it to be simple but elegant, just like you Amber,” Daniel said, his eyes locked on hers.

  The meal was over all too soon, but Amber wasn’t as nervous as she thought she’d be as they made their way to the tiny cabin at the back of the property. She’d been too distracted by Daniel and their well-wishers, who had made their way over in small groups to wish them long years of happiness through out the meal, to notice when Laurel and Amanda slipped into the cabin. But when she opened the door, she knew that they’d been there, and silently thanked them for their kindness in the middle of such a strange situation.

  Here too, the room was lit only by candles, giving the little room a soft glow that only made the big bed in the corner look all that much bigger. Covered in a white spread, it was the only furniture in the room except for two rocking chairs that were placed in front of the fireplace. Amber could just imagine how cozy the room would be on a dark winter night, with the fire going and them tucked into the big bed together. Realizing where her thoughts had gone, she blushed then stepped further into the room.

  When Amanda hugged her just before they left, she whispered, “We left you a surprise in the bathroom. Have fun tonight, we’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Amber saw the door to the bathroom tucked back in a corner and wondered how to excuse herself, but Daniel must have been reading her mind again because he said, “The bathroom is back there if you want to freshen up.”

  When she stepped into the bathroom and turned on the light, she gasped. There on a padded hanger was the most beautiful nightgown she’d ever seen, with a shimmery see-through wrap to match. It was ivory and made of silk and lace, she knew just taking one look at it that it was one of Marissa’s creations and that it would look wonderful on her. It took her only minutes to shrug out of her wedding dress, put it on the hanger and slide the nightgown on. Looking at herself in the mirror, for the first time in her life she actually believed that she was beautiful, that a man like Daniel would want a woman like her.

  She hesitated at the door for only a second, before turning off the light and bravely stepping back into the room. When she came through the door, Daniel’s eyes got wide and then a devilish grin spread across his face, then he crossed the room in three strides and pulled her into his arms. She barely had time to take a breath before his mouth came down on hers in a kiss that seared through her and left no room for thought.

  The passion between them roared to life, Amber’s body molding its self to Daniel’s when she wound her arms around his neck and leaned into to him. He wrapped his arms around her, pleased to find that she filled them just as perfectly as she had before, only now he knew how else they fit perfectly together and he felt a rush of desire that left him as breathless as Amber was.

  Breaking the kiss to give them both a second to breathe, Daniel ran his hands up and down Amber’s back, loving the feel of the silky lace against his rough hands. Her face was pressed up against his chest but when he said, “This lace is almost as soft as your skin,” she gasped and looked up at him, a wave of desire rushing through her when she the saw the desire mirrored in the blue eyes.

  Unable to speak, she did the one thing she’d been wanting to since he’d broken the kiss and began unbuttoning his shirt, then slid it off onto the f
loor. Silently, she ran her hands up and down his chest, purring when the muscles tensed under her fingertips, then she reached for the button of his pants and slipped it free, unzipped them and slid her hand inside. Daniel’s gasp made her smile, but before she could do more, he picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. Amber had never been this aggressive with any man, but with Daniel she felt free, confident and sexy.

  She watched unembarrassed while he stripped off his pants, his body just as beautiful as she remembered. When she reached to pull the nightgown off, he stopped her. “No, let me do that,” he said, walking around to the foot of the bed.

  He stood, hands on his hips, and let his eyes roam over Amber as if he was memorizing the way she looked at just that moment, then knelt on the foot of the bed and began to slowly slide the nightgown up her legs. Inch by slow inch he slid the gown up her legs, until Amber thought she would scream from anticipation. When her entire legs were exposed, Daniel slid his hands under her and gently lifted her enough to slide the gown up to her midriff then paused and planted a kiss on her mons, making Amber suck in a deep breath as pleasure rocketed though her.

  When the gown slid up and over her breasts, his mouth immediately clamped down on one of her swollen nipples and Amber cried out at the sudden rush of pleasure. His mouth never leaving her breast, he slid the gown over her head, then his mouth found hers. He kissed her as if it was the first time, exploring every part of her mouth, until, no longer able to breathe, they were forced to part.

  Daniel buried his face in her neck, but his hand was busy, first teasing a swollen nipple, then sliding down her body to stroke the inside of a thigh. Amber couldn’t catch her breath as Daniel’s gentle hand drove the need inside her. She was nearly at the point of desperation when he paused, his hand between her legs.

  He knelt up on one elbow and looked down at her. “Your body was made for this, it was made for me,” he said, then slid one finger between her folds.